Practical information


Country code, the Netherlands: +31
Amsterdam area code: 020
Dutch cell phone numbers start with 06.

All phone numbers have 10 digits starting with a zero. If you see a number with only 7 digits, it’s probably missing the Amsterdam area code: 020.


Police, fire services and ambulance: 112
Police (non-emergencies): 0900 – 8844


The voltage is 230 volts. Bring a power converter and an adapter for round two-prong plugs.


The currency of the Netherlands is the euro. Change money at Schiphol Airport or at the many currency exchange offices in the center of Amsterdam. However it may be easier to use the ATM machines. Most shops and restaurants do not accept bank notes of € 200 or € 500.


If your bank card has a Cirrus/Maestro/MasterCard or Plus/Visa logo, you can use most ATMs and POS terminals. Verify if your card has been enabled for use abroad before you leave.

Credit cards

Many shops and restaurants – but not all – accept MasterCard and Visa. Few accept also American Express, Diners Club and Discover Card.


Tax and service is always included. It is however customary to tip in restaurants, bars and when paying for taxis. As a general rule, tipping between 5 and 10% is acceptable.

Internet access

The main conference venue and it’s surrounding park offers free Wi-Fi. Of course there are many other free Wi-Fi hotspots in Amsterdam. At Schiphol Airport you’ll find a Lebara desk, offering a 10 euro prepaid SIM-card for 30 days unlimited data.

Getting around

The Amsterdam City Center is compact. You can walk from one end to the other in about an hour. All major hotels are in or very near the city center. Museums, culture, hundreds of bars, restaurants and clubs are within walking distance. Yes of course we have trams and buses. But the best way to do Amsterdam is the way the locals do… by bike.

Bike rental

You’ll find bike rental shops throughout the city, especially near main hubs such as Central Station, Leidseplein and Dam Square. Short-term rentals start from three hours and the average price for a full day is 8 euro.


All licensed taxis have blue registration plates. Taxis have meters. Rates vary per taxi, but are regulated by the local municipality.

Public transport

You will need an OV chipcard to travel on trams, buses and metros. On buses and trams, you can buy a card for that ride for € 2,70.
You can also buy a day or multiple day ticket for unlimited travel throughout Amsterdam on the bus, tram, and metro. These tickets are available from vending machines at metro stations, tourist offices and various hotels.

Trip planner

If you are planning to use any form of public transport, will help you find your way (English).

Engineering works at train station Schiphol Airport

There is no direct train connection between Amsterdam Central Station and Schiphol Airport on Saturday 8 and Sunday 9 February. Take the train from Amsterdam Central Station to Amsterdam Sloterdijk. From there a bus will take you to the airport. Your train ticket to the airport is valid in the bus. The extra journey time will be 15 minutes.

Weights & Measures

Continental Europe uses the metric system and therefore uses meters as its measurement for length, liters for liquids and kilos for weight.
Dates are written as day-month-year, time is written in 24 hour notation.


Dutch Street SignDutch Street Sign
Dutch is the official language. However, most locals also speak English.
Some common words:

Yes Ja ‹ ja ›
No Nee ‹ ne ›
Thanks Bedankt ‹ bədɑŋkt ›
Please Graag ‹ xrax ›
Sorry Sorry ‹ ˈsɔri ›
Excuse me Pardon ‹ pɑrˈdɔn ›
Good bye Tot ziens ‹ tɔt zins ›
Hello Hallo ‹ ˈhɑlo ›

Two Dutch words you’ll hear a lot, but have no proper English translation, are ‘lekker’ and ‘gezellig’. But don’t worry, you’ll know what they mean before you go home.