
5-8 February 2014, Amsterdam

Saturday, February 8

Design in motion: the new frontier of interaction.

Saturday 14:00 Gashouder #GH

Animation can explain behaviours better than thousand of words that’s why interaction designer should learn from motion designer.

Technological advances have allowed, in the last few years, a big step forward in the dynamic behaviors and interactions patterns that we used to do with software in the past. Motion is one of the key element of this change but how can we imagine & sketch the way something feels & reacts? Starting from the basic of motion design, we’ll discover a set of “standard” motion patterns and how we can sketch & use them in a design project to increase affordance, to simplify complex interactions and to give a new dynamic brand identity to our products.

Antonio De Pasquale

Antonio De Pasquale

About Antonio: Antonio De Pasquale is a Senior Interaction Designer and information architect in Frog specializing in digital user experience. He believes that designing the interaction is the most important part in communication and is fascinated by how you can communicate through movement and gestures. He has worked on numerous digital projects ranging from the field of web-tv, e-commerce, healthcare, online newspapers, corporate website to mobile and tablet applications and he participated in teaching activities at Politecnico di Milano.