Pair Design and Why You Need It
Like tennis, chess, and sex, design is some 400% better with a partner. Come hear why and how.
Interaction designers often work at their desks solo, working deep inside their own head. When they come out of their bubble, they're often surprised at the response to their work. Cooper has solved the problem of the lone designer, by pioneering and perfecting interaction designers working in pairs.
Hear one of Cooper's most senior designers discuss this practice and the ways that you can use pair design to increase efficiency, effectiveness, and morale in your teams.
Christopher Noessel
About Christopher: In his day job as a Managing Director at Cooper, Christopher designs products, services, and strategy for a variety of domains, including health, financial, and consumer. In prior experience he’s developed kiosks for museums, helped to visualize the future of counter-terrorism, built prototypes of coming technologies for Microsoft, and designed telehealth devices to accommodate the crazy facts of modern healthcare. His spidey sense goes off about random topics, leading him to speak about a range of things including interactive narrative, ethnographic user research, interaction design, sex-related interactive technologies, free-range learning, and, most recently, the relationship between sci-fi and interface design in the book Make It So: Interaction Design Lessons from Science Fiction.