Interaction Design Education Summit
An interactive dialogue on the future of interaction design education.
At a moment in time where everybody and everything is constantly interacting — through the use of networks, apps, products, media and services — educating students to design these interactions is not only needed, but also a fundamental challenge. Rapid developments in society and technology put increasingly high demands on the knowledge and skills of future interaction designers. Challenging traditional institutions, some companies have started programs for in-house training. At the same time, alternative educational platforms — such as edX, Udacity and — are offering open access to high-level learning materials.
To successfully address these developments, interaction design education might need to reinvent itself.
The Academic Partners of Interaction14, HKU Games and Interaction and TU Delft Design for Interaction, invite educators, curriculum builders, design professionals to participate in an interactive dialogue around the future of interaction design education.
Introduced by Jared Spool, and coached by Gillian Crampton Smith, Daniel Rosenberg and Fred Beecher, you will get actively involved in developing and discussing scenarios around the themes of
- alternative educational models;
- design schools versus industry;
- online presence and portfolios;
- and (new) forms of apprenticeship.
This summit is a great professional development opportunity, providing you with insights, ideas and directions to bring back to your own educational or professional setting.

08:30 – 09:00 | Bus transfer Amsterdam - Hilversum |
09:00 – 09:30 | Registration |
09:30 – 10:15 | Keynote by Jared Spool |
10:15 – 12:30 | Group sessions part 1 |
12:30 – 13:30 | Lunch |
13:30 – 15:15 | Group sessions part 2 |
15:15 – 16:30 | Discussion and Wrap-up |
16:45 – 17:45 | Bus transfer Hilversum – Amsterdam |
The schedule is subject to change.
€ 150
Tickets include bus transfer, lunch and refreshments.
Registration will be limited to 80 participants.
You do not need to be attending the Interaction14 conference, though we encourage you to do so.